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Friday, April 25, 2014

Twitter Parties--what are they?

What a beautiful day we have had here in western NC.  I am loving these warm sunny days here in the mountains.  Can't believe how quickly time passes by seems like yesterday I put my 1st post here on twitter & it has been over a year.  I am going to try to start this blog and get it to where I want it to be.  Sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day to accomplish everything I need to do but this blogging is becoming my passion so I am going to put forth every effort to see it become what I want it to be.  I hope you will journey with me and start savoring each & every day.

I am going to start posting some twitter party schedules & times on my posts.  If you have never done a twitter party I highly encourage you to give it a try.  I have won some amazing prizes at these parties.  All you have to do is sign up on twitter & start having fun.  My twitter id is @mommy3sons & would love for you to give me a follow (I will follow back).  I am going to give some steps to how to become involved in a twitter party.
1.  Sign up on Twitter.
2.  Start following people & get followers.
3.  If you follow my blog I will be posting daily twitter parties for you to participate in.
4.  The twitter parties have hosts & these hosts will ask questions throughout the party ex. Q1.  What did you have for breakfast today? #breakfast and you reply with Q1 or A1 with a reply with cereal & you have to include the hashtag for the party for ex. #breakfast.
5.  Sometimes there will be links to RSVP for these parties & you have to usually include the follow:  url: (& here you have to put your twitter name)
                                 twitter id:  @mommy3sons
6.  Throughout the party they will have so many prize winners (typically 5-6)
7.  If you win you will see this on your interaction page on twitter & you will have to send the host a DM (direct message which is private) with you name, address, email & telephone number typically.  Make sure the host follows you because if they are not following you you can not send the DM--once they follow you you can send them this information.  Also sometimes you have 5 minutes to respond to them or they will redraw for the prize. 
8.  Most prizes typically arrive within 4-6 weeks.
I have been twitter partying for over a year now & have won so many prizes it is unreal.  Some of my winnings to date are Surface Pro, $500.00 Visa card, $100.00 Walmart cards, $50.00 Visa cards, makeup, jewelry, Samsung Galaxy Note, Year supply of Downy & Downy Unstoppables, cleaning products, toothpaste & toothbrush products, dog treats, 2 Day Vacation to Hilton, Movie tickets,  Home Depot Giftcards & the list goes on & on.  It's like Christmas every week at my house & I love it. 

So today I am savoring the beautiful weather God has given us, my family & Twitter.  What are you savoring today?